6clicks: Developing an Automated Information Security Management System (ISMS)

In the current times, the risks that surround your business are constantly growing. As such, it is very important to always keep you and your organisation protected, or at least prepared for the risks that are your business could face. But, the question is how will you face the risks and who will tell you about the risks? Well, we are here to help! Have you heard of an ISMS Framework ? It is a way to collectively manage your important information, better understand the risks your facing and direct you towards solutions to help you avoid them. 6clicks is a company that develops software to enhance your relationship with risk, whether it be to identify, manage, assess or remediate the specific risks you face. Enhancing the resilience of your business to these potential risks is one thing that remains the utmost priority for them. In terms of security, the 6clicks web apps offers: Both frontend and backend encryptions Comprehensive control access for users and service provider...